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HSP Marriage Coaching Romantic Walk in Sunset

Marriage Coaching for HSP

7 Days To Feel More Love And Connection
In Your Relationship as a Sensitive  Woman

October 15th-21st, 2024
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You want to feel closer to your partner. And deep down you know that having a real sense of connection in your marriages is key to your overall life happiness and fulfillment as a deep-feeling woman.
But right now you just aren't feeling it:
  • Maybe you and your spouse have drifted apart in the busyness of life…

  • Maybe you feel more like roommates or business partners than lovers. 

  • Maybe the little tiffs, the daily distractions, and the times you've been reactive with each other have chipped away at the sense of connection between you…

  • Or you just feel disconnected and aren't sure why –  like the sweet intimacy you love has faded over the years, leaving you disappointed in the quality of your marriage. 

It’s time to change all of that! 

Don’t resign yourself to a bland, “practical”, feeling-less, tense, or unhappy marriage.

You have so much more power than you think to revive and deepen your connection with your partner. I will show you how– in just one week – in The Closer To Your Husband in 7 Days Challenge.

October 15th-21st, 2024

Hannah Brooks,

Marriage Coach for Sensitive Women

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It just takes a little bit of focused time and energy

(think 5-15 minutes a day!), and you’ll be:

  • Getting more warm “I see you” glances from your man.

  • Actually wanting to hold hands and talk again late into the evening...

  • ​Feeling more affectionate with each other: cuddling, hugging, and even kissing…

  • Laughing and being playful together like you used to… 

  • Feeling like, despite all the years you've been together, you still genuinely enjoy this person you chose as your partner

  • Experiencing an upswell of emotional intimacy – that palpable sweetness of your love for each other –⁣ and even romance again.

Don’t end up like so many couples who’s connection dries up for good.

Join the Closer To Your Husband in 7 Days Challenge
now for only $24!

We Start October 15th, 2024 

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Past Participant Experiences

“I had been feeling like my husband was an emotionally deficient, cold person who did not know how to love a woman. I felt that I deserved better. But inside of me there was this little voice that kept saying ''this is not the end''. This challenge has completely changed the way I see him and feel for him now. I can give love to him and to myself. Now I see how hard he tries. I see how hard he works. I hear the love he has for me in his voice. I feel us getting closer and closer. I love him. I had simply forgotten that I loved him because of all the pain. Now I know we love each other and we both love us!

~ Carolyn, past participant


Over these 7 days (and beyond) you’ll get:

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All for only $24!

  • 1 short specific actionable lesson or "challenge" everyday for 7 days in a row, doled out sequentially via video to bring a stronger sense of connection right into your marriage.

  • 2 choose-your-own-adventure challenges, and options to personalize all the other lessons, so you can tailor this challenge in the way that works best for you and your relationship (one size does not fit all around here!). 

  • 2 extra bonus lessons, so you can extend this potent time and keep the intimacy and closeness growing between you and your honey.  

  • A workbook to keep you on track and accountable to your goals for closeness and connection.

  • A group of other sensitive and deep feeling women cheering you on and providing motivation and inspiration to keep you deepening the connection you love.

  • Direct support from Hannah via 2 live Group Q and A calls over the week, to address any questions or concerns that come up along this journey together.

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On the Other Side?
  • A sense of encouragement and real hope for your future together. 

  • A bit of amazement that it can take just this little bit of focus to make things feel so much better in your home.

  • A feeling of closeness you've not known you had the power to create...until now.

  • And the confidence to keep it up.

Join Us Now.
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HSP Marriage Coaching salmon color backround with Title for course

It's all happening October 15th-21st, 2024 

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