If your relationship isn’t going so great, you may wonder where you went wrong, or tell yourself that something is wrong with you that there is this difficulty in your relationship.
I can be pretty harsh with myself too, as most of us can. But take it from me: it doesn’t make me feel any better. It actually just makes everything even worse. And real lasting change never comes from beating ourselves up.

I've been talking about this a bit lately because it comes up so often when people want to change things in their relationship and life. And I’ve learned many ways to move out of that harsh way of being with myself, and into the gentler, more loving place with myself…So today I want to share with you one quick effective way to do so.
Instead of trying to whip yourself into shape, if you really apply this for few minutes, you’ll feel softer, more at ease, and more connected to what is good inside of you.This will
naturally show up in how you interact with your partner, actually making a positive difference in your relationship, as well. Learn more about it and try it out on this episode of Love Talks On a Walk:
Once you've tried it, share your experience with us. What shifted for you? Scroll down to comment.
If you like listening to learn and grow, check out the rest of my Love Talks on a Walk Episodes here. Or join my Facebook group to hear and join weekly live videos all about love, relationships, and thriving as a sensitive person.