There are three major things I learned from my first marriage ending in divorce that have allowed me to create an amazing fulfilling marriage with my second husband.
As I've worked with hundreds of other highly sensitive women, I've noticed the struggles I had in my first marriage echo so many of the struggles these other HSP women have in theirs.

So it makes sense what worked for me will also help you have a much more fulfilling marriage!
AND the unhappiness, lack of fulfillment, and pain we tend to feel in our relationships as sensitive women is often sourced in a few challenges that are an innate part of high sensitivity.
Even though this trait is amazing, and a true gift for you and the lucky people who get to have you in their lives, high sensitivity can come with a shadow side, especially when it comes to specific aspects of intimate relationships.
Listen in to this episode for a reminder of how your sensitivity can be such a strength when it comes to intimate partnerships (it never hurts to hear a reminder, right?!), and also hear how the same qualities (which have to do with our conscientiousness and high standards) can sometimes end up undermining the strength of the relationship–until you implement the 3 tips I share.
Not only do I share quite a bit about my first marriage to help illustrate my advice, so it's fun to listen to, but the 3 tips I share are simple. Just listening to this episode, How Highly Sensitive People Can Feel More Fulfilled in Their Relationship, can bring you some real "ahas" and lead to some great change in your marriage or committed relationship. Happy New Year!
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Join Hannah for private 1:1 Marriage Coaching (learn more here), and get her deep, super individualized support to make your marriage more full of security, connection, love, and mutual support than ever. Doors Close for the foreseeable future on January 15th, 2024! Fill out this form to get started.
Find Hannah's On-Demand Courses (for more connection, attraction, and ending hurt and disconnection) here.
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