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How To End Division, “Bad Othering”, And Emotional Dysregulation In Marriage (And The World)

Writer's picture: Hannah BrooksHannah Brooks

If there was one thing I could shout out from the rooftops right now to help all intimate relationships –and really all of humankind and our very planet– what I share in this episode would be it. It is that important.

Have you ever felt a sense of your spouse being “against” you, almost like they’re an enemy, a nemesis, a “bad guy” at moments, if not much of the time?

podcast cover with couple with backs to each other

If so, you are FAR from alone. So many of my clients have told me that they feel that way, even if it is only subtle. And the amount of division people are experiencing in general is at a super high level in so many realms. And, of course, one of them is between intimate partners.

Even in this most intimate and sacred of a relationship, it's all too easy to fall into this sense of being against each other. And as our hearts start to feel hardened to them, it’s like we lose touch with the very tender, real, full of feeling human we fell in love with. They become less 3 dimensional, less human.

But what's really going on is that we lose connection with the part of ourselves that can connect. This is a very common phenomenon, even in relationships that start out great. And it is a prelude to further disintegration of love– and even divorce.

Listen in to prevent this oh-so-common experience from slowly sucking your relationship of love and connection.

You will learn: 

  • why, over time, we tend to fall into this sense that our spouse is the “Bad Other” (some of the science, and physiology behind it), 

  • what it has to do with stress and a maladaptation of our nervous systems to our modern lives, 

  • how to end division, “bad othering”, and emotional dysregulation in marriage (and the world), and what to do about it on various levels inside yourself

  • and 3 specifics steps to melt it away and feel a sense of remembering the tender human you fell in love with you can connect back to the part of you that CAN connect so beautiful and fully–and STAY connected to it.

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