Falling in love is easy, effortless. Staying in love isn’t. Today we talk about staying in love (or falling back in love), and how it's about being intentional in the tiniest moments.
You don’t have to wait to learn something fancy, or to have a giant change of heart to feel better with your partner. You can make an instant little shift right now that will move you in a more loving, more fulfilling, happier direction.
In fact, that is how we actually create sustained change. By thinking about things a tiny bit differently right now; by paying a slightly different kind of attention right now; by seeing things through new eyes at this moment. And then this one, too.
The more we do this, the more change we affect in our marriage.
Making use of what I call “Micro Moments” is a PRIME way I make my marriage amazing every day, whether to move out of a more stressful emotional place or to consciously create more connection with my man.
Today we dive into Micro Moments of LOVE: one tiny moment-- and then another-- of warmth, of connection, of love, at a time.
String many of these together throughout your day and week, and you will have a much richer, more love-filled experience of your marriage for the rest of your lives together.
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