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  • Writer's pictureHannah Brooks

What's it Like to Coach with Hannah?

Updated: May 19, 2023

Past clients have told me that before they worked with me, they were nervous and hesitant to do so because they didn’t know me, and weren’t sure they’d feel comfortable with me –and also they worried it wouldn’t shift things for them in their marriages and lives. (See below, lower in this post, what they said once they were actually working with me!)

I felt the same way before hiring every coach I’ve worked with! But I want you to have a good idea of what it FEELS like to work with me, so you aren’t left guessing–or worrying, and you can make an informed decision for yourself about coaching with me... So I made this couple minute video to show you, “What is it like to coach with Hannah?” Click below to watch.

Read about what clients say about what they've transformed in their marriages and lives with my help here.

Here's what my clients say, IN THEIR OWN WORDS, about the experience of working with me:

~"Right off the bat, I knew Hannah was different! It felt like she already knew me on our first call, and that we were able to immediately get to the heart of the issues that needed work."

~"I felt great after each session."

~"Our sessions were infused with compassion and kindness."

~"Hannah is a highly sensitive person, herself, and thus, she clearly understood me and my thoughts and emotions without me having to explain. This felt very validating, and it helped me feel confident in our work together. "

~"Hannah made me feel like I was normal in my thinking and in my subsequent feelings--actually, not only that I’m normal, but that I am extraordinary."

~"I felt so supported and uplifted by Hannah (and still do months later!). I loved working with her because of her authenticity, care, deep listening, non-judgment, vulnerability, and support and honoring of my growth. She brings an intuition to her work – she senses where I’m at emotionally and knows just how much to challenge and push me on old patterns of thinking and doing. It felt challenging in the most rewarding way because I really saw progress as I implemented her teaching and coaching. I felt like I was actually making progress each week and really getting deep with her, through her accountability and support. "

~ "A counselor usually sees what is going “wrong”. Hannah, on the other hand, focuses on what is good and loving."

~"Hannah's insight, ability to connect dots and intuition, plus the feeling that Hannah so deeply understood me and my habits (despite never having worked together previously) made the entire process so much easier! By the end of our time working together, she felt like a dear friend."

~"Hannah is patient, has such an empathetic ear… with her, I know I am not alone in my experiences!

~"She has dug so deep in her own life, and that has been the best inspiration of all to help me to dig deeply into mine."

~ "I wanted to find a way to repair myself without becoming dependent. Hannah has generously shared the tools to be able to help myself. Therapy did not do that for me. She is the dream I’d been searching for!"

You will have this same experience when you join me in Treasured. And you will create the same huge transformations in your marriage and life that my past clients created, which they share--in gold--- on the Treasured description page here.

Only a few days left join. Enroll here today.


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